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Step by Step

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

After wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, God’s people, the people of Israel, are finally going to enter the land promised to them by God. Their leader, Moses has passed away and a new leader, Joshua, was being raised up to lead Israel into Canaan. Joshua and Caleb were the last 2 Israelites to have been enslaved in Egypt that were still alive and with the group. It had been a long ordeal and no doubt, there had to be some anxiety and apprehension as this new era began.

God reminded Joshua again and again to trust Him; He wasn’t going to leave His people. He had shown His love for them over and over, yet there was still uncertainty. The Lord put the right man in the right seat at the right time when Joshua was raised up to follow Moses. Sure, Joshua was a strong military leader with an extremely influential character. The key to Joshua’s success was his submission to God’s plan and God’s way and leading Israel by example to not only trust but obey and to keep moving forward even when it doesn’t make sense.

By no means, am I comparing myself to Joshua, not even close.

What I have seen the last few months though is how God has been not only leading my steps but lining up others, preparing their hearts for the movement of Athletes in Action at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, MI (near Grand Rapids). God certainly has been moving on campus as I am seeing student athletes hungry for Christian community and a deeper, personal relationship with The Lord.

It amazes me how when we move, even if it’s just one step, God will reveal His plan to us – well, at least the next step!! That’s where I have had to live these last 5 months, one step at a time which is hard for a guy like me. I am a “big picture” guy but I am seeing more and more the weight of the day to day – step by step movements of The Lord and appreciating His detail, intentionality, and His love.

I truly believed that when we arrived on campus at Grand Valley this early fall, that we would be rocking and rolling right from the start. Well, that wasn’t the case and that wasn’t the plan that God had. I have to say that I was a little frustrated at times, but God kept ordering my next step, then the next one, then the next one. As each step was taken, the vision is becoming clearer, and more pieces are coming together. There are some exciting things coming up for Athletes in Action at GVSU and I’ll share them more as they get closer.

For now, I just want to thank God for ordering one step at a time, staying faithful to my wife and I, and for showing me how these steps are leading to a plan that will honor and glorify Him.


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